Project objective
The aim of the AKKUEurope project is the systematic development and validation of a multimedia toolbox with at least 30 instruments to help micro and small sized enterprises to improve their workability. This toolbox is being developed jointly by a total of seven partners from six European countries.
By workability we mean how good is the worker today, in the near future and how able is she/ he to do the work with respect to work demands, health and mental resources. The basis is the concept of the house of workability after Ilmarinen.
Please visit our project website (in development). Here you will find all information about the AKKUEurope project.
Project duration
01/10/2020 – 30/09/2022
Project partners
- Applicant organisation: Centrum für Innovation und Technologie GmbH (Germany)
- Partner 1: d-ialogo (Germany)
- Partner 2: Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl (Belgium)
- Partner 3: IDP SAS di Giancarlo Costantino (Italian Development Partners) (Italy)
- Partner 4: Internet Web Solutions SL (Spain)
- Partner 5: Zdruzenie Institut Za Razvoj Na Zaednicata (North Macedonia)
- Partner 6: CASE - Centrum Analiz Spoleczno- Ekonomicznych- Fundacja Naukowa (Poland)
Project activities
- Research of existing instruments in the participating European countries of at least 60 instruments in the context of health and employability
- Selection of at least 30 suitable instruments for the toolbox and adaptation of tools to the needs of micro and small enterprises + development of new tools
- Implementation and testing of a multimedia toolbox, together with the owners and employees of selected MSE companies
- Development of an OER platform for collecting innovative methods and instruments
- Conduction of four Transnational Project Meeting
- Conduction of three Multiplier Events
Project roadshow
- November 2020: Kick-off Meeting via Skype (Germany)