
YouCareOn – Exchange of Good Practices in the matter of early stage career orientation for pupils and young people

Project goals:

The aim of the project is to foster the education competences of the involved project partners as well as teachers/principals in the matter of an early professional career orientation and guidance for pupils/students of public schools, schools with gymnasium upper level, special education schools and high schools.

Project duration:

  • 10/2017 – 09/2019, 24 months

Project partners:

Problems identified by the partners:

  • A declining/stagnating number of pupils/students, as well as retirement waves of ageing workforces in the participating regions will lead to an increased need for skilled workers
  • On the one hand, young people suffering high unemployment rates hand in some Europe-an countries, on the other skill shortages in science, technology, engineering and mathe-matics (STEM) occupation are to face

Project activities:

  • 6 learning and experience exchanges between the project partners and through the im-plementation of 5 day on-site visits (so-called mobility) with the aim of acquiring ideas and getting to know good practices and methods, develop and strengthen networks and to gather experiences of the transnational collaboration

Project roadshow:

  • April 2017: Project kick-off and first experience exchange in Wildau (DE)

Funded by the European Union under the Erasmus Plus program - cooperation for innovation and exchange of best practices - KA2 Strategic Partnerships

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